I know someone is going to kill me for naming my blog post that, but stay with me here. It’s not just a catchy name. There is some similarity in a good 60% of SEO tips and that is:
Change the world with your product/service.
That’s not a small order, I get that. But think about it. What is the one thing every top SEO will tell you? Write good content, give people what they are looking for, etc. It all comes down to one thing, be the best. Don’t try to resell someone else’s product and then cry when you don’t rank first. I know that is an unfair example, but as I watch site review panels at PubCon all I see are sites doing the same thing about 30 others are doing.
How do you stand out when everyone else is selling the same product? Don’t just be an affiliate, don’t just open your own business, be different. If you are going to spend the time in your life doing something, make a difference. There is no reason to push something halfheartedly. Have passion. Believe in what you are doing. That will translate into great content and traffic.
You can “trick” the Google algorithm by just bypassing it. Be the best, change the world with your ideas. You don’t have to cure cancer or stop global warming. But when you are building your new business/site, go back to marketing 101 and ask yourself:
What do I offer that my competitors don’t?
If the answer is not immediate, get back to the drawing board. Take risks and try something new.
Add Yours →Wow! That’s the brave one..!! It is really hard if your marketing a website that has the same content of others, so make it more interesting, more useful..Hope to hear you more..!!
Inspirational advice for all of us, not just SEOs. Can’t I just change the world 1 link at a time?
Hallo Kate, Good Stuff! 🙂
I feel the same way. You really need to be passionate about what you do in order to succeed. If you are following the someone else’s model, you may not be as successful as you could be if you were being guided by your passion.
Touches on a very small but important point – only do online if you genuinely love it!
I know quite a few affiliates, consultants that do it for the money.
My advice would be if you don’t love this game (why wouldnt you) get out of it,